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In lijn met het regeringsbeleid ten aanzien van de corona-maatregelen, zijn veel trainingen van onze partners vanaf heden enkel nog online te volgen. Niet alle trainingen zijn hiervoor geschikt, dus sommige zullen verplaatst worden naar een later moment in overleg.

Voor een groot deel van ons trainingsaanbod is het mogelijk deze virtueel bij te wonen of zelfs helemaal in eigen tijd en tempo online te volgen. Wil jij weten of het voor jouw training ook mogelijk is? Neem dan contact op met Lloyd Charité via 06-25 6458 65 of via lloyd.charite@maestroacademy.nl

Een uitstekende oplossing om in deze tijd toch jouw kennis te blijven ontwikkelen. Ben je onzeker over het online volgen van cursussen? Wij snappen dat deze manier van training volgen voor veel mensen nieuw is. Dus mocht het volgen van een online training achteraf toch niet goed zijn bevallen, of heb je een deel van de stof niet goed begrepen? In de meeste gevallen kun je later dit jaar kosteloos (een deel van) dezelfde training nog eens volgen, wanneer de cursusruimtes weer geopend zijn.


Learn how to effectively “sell” change management to project leaders and executives in your organization by connecting change management directly to project and organizational outcomes. You can build a case for change management using data that shows the correlation between change management effectiveness on three critical success factors for projects and initiatives: meeting objectives, staying on schedule, and staying on budget.


As a change management practitioner, you know the work you do is crucial for delivering project results and outcomes. You know that when you do change management well, good things happen. And you know that when change is managed poorly or the people side ignored, there are negative consequences. Experience tells you that the more effectively you apply change management, the more successful a project will be. But to get the support you need, business leaders want to see data. Prosci’s benchmarking studies provide the precise supporting data you need.

In the Best Practices in Change Management – 2018 study, we asked change practitioners four questions:

  • To what degree did the project meet objectives?
  • To what degree was the project on schedule?
  • To what degree was the project on budget?
  • What was the overall effectiveness of the change management program?

Analyzing their responses, Prosci correlated data from the final question on change management effectiveness with the three previous dimensions of success: meeting objectives, staying on schedule, and staying on budget. The result? Projects and initiatives are more successful the more effectively the people side of change is managed.

These results provide a compelling argument for investing the time, resources and energy in change management. And the charts below provide the data you need to build a compelling business case.

Meeting objectives

The figure below shows how change management effectiveness correlates with meeting project objectives. The data points represent the percentage of participants who met or exceeded objectives in each of the change management effectiveness categories (poor, fair, good and excellent).


Figure-5.1-Correlation-with-meeting-objectives (1)

Source: Prosci Best Practices in Change Management – 2018 Edition


Of the participants that had excellent change management programs in place, 93% met or exceeded objectives. 77% of those with good change management programs met or exceeded objectives, and 43% of those with fair change management programs met or exceeded objectives. Only 15%—or about 1 in 6—of those with poor change management programs met or exceeded objectives.

This means that with excellent change management, your project is six times more likely to meet objectives than with poor change management. Even fair change management is worth pursuing because you’re three times more likely to meet objectives. This chart is so compelling that it’s the third slide in the deck for the Change Management Sponsor Briefing, a half-day program Prosci delivers to executives and senior managers. It clearly connects how well we manage the people side of change to project, financial and strategic success. Results and outcomes must be central in your business case for change management. With this graph, you now have data to support that connection.

Staying on schedule

The image below shows the correlation between change management effectiveness and the ability to stay on or ahead of schedule. Again, the data shows a stark and direct correlation. The more effectively the people side of change is managed, the more likely you are to finish on time.


Figure-5.2-Correlation-with-staying-on-or-ahead-of-schedule (1)

Source: Prosci Best Practices in Change Management Report – 2018 Edition


The correlation with adhering to schedules is a powerful counterpoint to one of the main objections from project leaders. Often they say, “I understand why change management is important, but have deadlines and a go-live date to hit, and applying change management will slow me down.” At first glance, that might seem true. But, the data shows that projects with effective change management are actually more likely to stay on schedule.

Staying on budget

The figure below shows the observable correlation between change management effectiveness and the ability to stay on budget.


Fig 5-3_Best Practices_2018Figure-5.3-Correlation-with-staying-on-or-under-budget (1)

Source: Prosci Best Practices in Change Management Report – 2018 Edition


This chart provides an important counterpoint to another main objection from project leaders. A project leader may say, “Although I understand why change management is important, I do not have the budget to dedicate to those soft aspects of the change.” Certainly, project managers must be attentive to budget constraints, and there are costs to assigning resources to change management. However, the data clearly show that projects with effective change management are in fact more likely to remain on budget than those with poor change management.


If the correlations between change management effectiveness and adhering to schedules and budgets seems counter-intuitive, the prefix “RE-” can clarify. When we ignore the people side of change and people greet a go-live date with outrage and resistance, teams must go back to the drawing board to RE-work, RE-design, RE-evaluate and RE-visit. These are the costly “RE-” consequences of neglecting the people side of change. Each of these consequences adds cost and time to a project. But when we proactively build employee support and commitment with change management, we can mitigate and avoid these RE-related costs. Despite how it seems to a project manager, effective change management increases the likelihood of finishing on time and on budget.


The logic for deploying change management has always been sound to you. Now you have compelling data to share with others in your organization who may need more convincing, such as executives and project leaders, to see the value change management brings. Leveraging a strong, quantitative argument puts you in a better position to rally support and commitment for change management.

Follow the Prosci Change management Practitioner training

If you wanna use the method Prosci, than we advice to follow the practitioner course. Here you can find more information.

Waarom bedrijven een Chief Learning Officer nodig hebben

Ontwikkeling op de werkvloer is allang niet meer een zaak van het individu – bedrijven moeten grootschalige omscholingstrajecten doorvoeren om baangarantie te kunnen geven. Een pleidooi voor een Chief Learning Officer.

Lees verder op

Managers have always been a key lever to success in change management work. They are the frontline troops in helping get their employees through a change successfully. Prosci’s research has continued to demonstrate that employees want to hear about change from their managers, managers can help proactively mitigate employee resistance, and having managers bought into the why of a change is crucial for success. The Prosci ADKAR Model is a uniquely valuable tool that, when used successfully, can help managers positively impact a change.  In Prosci’s Applications of ADKAR research effort, change practitioners shared their experience, insights and advice on empowering  managers with the ADKAR Model.


Prosci’s study found that the ADKAR Model provided managers with a common language to talk about a change with their employees and amongst themselves. The cohesion of communication not only helps managers communicate with their employees but also helps them understand the process of change better. The model’s easy-to-use and simple structure allowed for managers to quickly learn and apply within their working groups.  Finally, participants who choose to empower their managers with the ADKAR Model did so because they had seen its success on a broader change initiative and chose to expand that success by equipping their middle managers with this powerful framework for individual change.


Prosci’s Applications of ADKAR research effort explored seven uses of the ADKAR Model, including empowering managers. The quotes below from study participants shed light on the applications of and results of providing managers with the model:

It provides them a framework to understand where in the process they are in terms of implementing change to their teams and how they can/should have a cadence to their delivery.  Also helps them understand their role as a sponsor of change.

Managers tend to move fast through the project mode, and think that people will behave differently as soon as they hear that change is required. With ADKAR, we get them to understand that more will be needed, that you need to invest in awareness, that you need to talk with people, engage them to come up with ideas etc… We hope to reduce the stress and burnout in the organization by paying more attention to how we implement projects / changes.

Easy to understand and use, and yields immediate results when engaging employees – facilitation tool for engagement.

It is intuitive and we can build coaching conversations around ADKAR.  Often change conversations can be difficult. With ADKAR in mind they can ask questions that will get to the heart of the challenges that managers can experience in supporting staff through change. When staff identify a barrier point that the manager needs support to help their staff overcome, they have a language to provide feedback to project teams.  Keeps everyone moving in the same direction and enables project teams and operational managers and supervisors to connect.

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