The e-learning ´AML & CDD` covers the basic legal principles of Customer Due Diligence (CDD), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating Terrorism Financing (CTF). This e-learning is based on Dutch law and on international CDD standards.
The e-learning contains the following chapters:
Each chapter ends with self-test questions including feedback. The e-learning is completed with a final test. The final test consists of 15 multiple choice questions generated from a database of questions
It will take approximately 2 to 2 ½ hours to complete this e-learning and finish the final test.
This e-learning is designed for people working in the financial sector, especially for those who accept clients and process transactions of clients.
This e-learning is a general e-learning for people working in the financial sector. We also offer custom made e-learning which can contain specific policies regarding your organisation.
€ 121,-
PARTNER PRIJS€ 118,- en extra e-dukaat
Datum optie 1 31 December 2025 Locatie: Start is iedere dag mogelijk