PROSCI® Change Management Practitioner Certification English Course

Prosci Training Change Management

Prosci’s research has documented best practices, fail and succes factors of effective change management. The Prosci methodology provides a structured process and easy-to-use tools to prepare yourself for effective management of the people side of change. All our programs create an memorable expercience that fundamentally change the way you approach and think about change management.

Every Program is:

  • highly interactive and engaging
  • connected to the participant’s jobs
  • fast paced
  • action-learning; designed to let you work on your own project
  • supported by real-life examples

We embrace learning by doing. During any Prosci Training participants work on their own change project.
Our program contributes to developing a consistent application of tools and use of the methodology on an organizational level as well. Thereby we build the organization’s capability and competency to change effectively.

We can provide any program on your premises, but we welcome you to utilize our Change Factory in either Rotterdam or Hoofddorp. These are inspiring locations, where paradigms are challenged and the change readiness is being nurtured.

The participants will:

  • Apply Prosci’s® change management tools, research and methodology to an actual project from their organisation
  • Utilise best practices research from more than 2,000 organisations worldwide.
  • Create, customise and scale a change management strategy and plan for their project.
  • Learn to use the ADKAR™ Model to help managers and supervisors effectively manage the people side of change.
  • “Hit the ground running” with a change management plan upon returning to work.

Designed for classes of 6-12 people it allows participants to continue working on their current projects while learning to apply Prosci’s® change management tools, research and methodology, utilising their research-based Change Management Methodology, ADKAR™ Model, Change Management Toolkit and Change Management Pilot.

At the end of the Prosci Training, participants are certified as Prosci Change Managers and are able to lead any incremental or radical change initiative.

Who Should Attend?

The process and tools are crafted for immediate application by practitioners, even those with little
experience in change management. Prosci®’s Change Management Certification Program is designed for anyone responsible for managing change, including:

  • Project & program managers;
  • Lean coaches and facilitators;
  • Project team members;
  • HR leaders;
  • Change management team members;
  • Consultants and trainers

This program is highly effective because participant continue to work on their current projects. What is more, they leave with a significant portion of their ultimate change management plan in place.

Dutch Prosci Course  

This Prosci Training is also available in dutch, click here for more information

Prosci Change Management Community

When you are Prosci certified, you can also participate in the Prosci community. A network organization from and for Prosci certified professionals. For more information click here.


For questions contact by E-mail:
Phone: 023 – 568 9311
Mobile: 06-25 6458 65

or the contact page

in samenwerking met



minimum group 6 participants, maximum 12 participants










including material


Participants receive an internationally certificate, also regonize by PMI certified Prosci CM Practitioner


3 days


van 9.00u tot 17.00u

Datum optie 1 31 December 2025 Locatie: Data op aanvraag


Aanmelden voor PROSCI® Change Management Practitioner Certification English Course


  • Partners of Maestro Academy: affiliated Professionals of Het Finance Gilde, DataConnected or HeadFirst (Premium agreement);
  • Payment is due fully before start of the training;
  • All prices mentioned are excluding tax.
  • TPSoC is the actual providing & certified partner of PROSCI.